Does a file keep its chmod after download
The fanart file copies without issue as its the only file that works in the new Movie folder while the poster, movie and folder files are corrupt. Running in Tray Mode. Note: Sonarr works without issue, can download a new episode for a series and the file unpacks and all metadata files are downloaded and show up without issue. If a file with permissions -rwxrwxrw-gets its setuid bit set, the permissions will be displayed as -rwsrwxrw-. Note the lower case s where the x was. If however, the file didn't have the x permissions for the user, and then had the setuid bit set, you'd see -rwSrwxrw- users in the files group. Create a file with no content if it does not yet exist. If the file already exists, its access and/or modification will be updated to the time when the function call is executed. Use TOUCH_NOCREATE to touch a file if it exists but not create it. If a file does not exist it will be silently ignored.
Create a file with no content if it does not yet exist. If the file already exists, its access and/or modification will be updated to the time when the function call is executed. Use TOUCH_NOCREATE to touch a file if it exists but not create it. If a file does not exist it will be silently ignored. Other files in my Download folders are installation files for various programs. When I update software and it comes as a download, I'll keep the previous installation file. Never know if I might need or want it. Thanks to Leo's comments, I'll probably move my downloaded installion files to another folder. Reply. The group ownership can be inherited by new files and folders created in your folder /path/to/parent by setting the setgid bit using chmod g+s like this: chmod g+s /path/to/parent Now, all new files and folder created under /path/to/parent will have the same group assigned as is set on /path/to/parent.
The Chmod Command. Now we’re ready to learn the commands to change the permissions of files and folders. The chmod command changes the file permissions. There are two methods for changing permissions with chmod. By using: Symbolic chmod commands. (The notation we’ve used in the examples above, drwxr-xr-x, -rw-r--r--) Numeric chmod commands. Create a file with no content if it does not yet exist. If the file already exists, its access and/or modification will be updated to the time when the function call is executed. Use TOUCH_NOCREATE to touch a file if it exists but not create it. If a file does not exist it will be silently ignored. Then, we use "chmod", and "chown" commands to change the permissions and ownership of a file, respectively. However, we can combine all these tasks into a one-liner command, and still get the same result instead of running the three consecutive commands. This can be helpful when you want to do this on a regular basis, or within a script.